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You're a complete girlie-girl, and you have major self-confidence. You love to flirt, and your "I'm a total diva!" attitude has guys calling you 24/7. Because you're so bold, you can pull off these supersexy looks. but try to remember: it's not a complete trauma to go (gasp!) makeup-free once in a while. You may even find that you actually like the low-key, crunchy-chick look -as well as all the extra time you'll have left over.

What's Your Style? Find out @ She's Crafty

Sexually, I am...

You have one seriously insatiable appetite for action! You're a tigress who never appologises for your abundance of erotic energy and are unabashedly enthusiastic about sex. In order for sex to meet your standards, you prefer control over your men. You may even indulge in some domination, if ya know what I mean... As a passionate person, you also expect alot from your bedmates. Your do-it-to-me-now demands can make you a little hard to please and men may sometimes ask you to slow down a bit, but they should know better. No one can tame you.

What's Your Sexual MO? Find out @ She's Crafty

No psycho slayer is going to get between you and your right to life. You're an ass-kicker, a charge taker, and if need be, a monster masher. You're level-headed in sticky situations, you trust yout instincts, and you're not afraid to get a little dirty while getting the job done. Simply put, you rock! But don't get carried away. Even though your little brother might act like a creep sometimes, you definately shouldn't be driving stakes through his heart!

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

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September 18, 2002 - 3:26 p.m.

The cast to my life.... (In no particular order)

Jay ~ My first true love. We started dating my Junior year ih highschool. I tried to contact him for about 10 years, and earlier this year, I FINALLY got a hold of him.

Kris ~ Lol, another HS boy. He was temperamental when I turned him down in my junior year, then became a Rico Suave when I was 26. I started chatting with him years later, he flew to Missourri to meet me, had a torrid affair. Still friends. ALthough he never really grew up.

Ellen ~ One of my best friends. She was my first friend after my Mother shipped me back to NH. (She had the balls to laugh at this California girl, when I told her that *snow* and *snowflakes* were two VERY different things.... Instant buddies. =)

Tim ~ Another old classmate. He used to tease me in English all of the time. See, I used to love "Outback Red" so theat became my nickname. It just so happened, we were in English together every year, and he seemed to sit behind me in every class. He also used to love tickling me, and rubbing my back....

Jason, my Canadian ~ Ahhh. Jason. I met Jason in Branson, Missourri. He was one of the seminar leaders from Dental Bootkamp. Wow, was there a spark when we met. Unfortunately, I was there with Kris, remember him? Wow, he's not in here, I must add him. Anyway the day that Kris went home, I tried snagging him to take up to my room. It's kinda funny how we realised there was a spark. He saved me from the Ranger Boat VP. The dude was drunk and would not stop hitting on me, so JAson walked up and introduced himself as my newlywed husband. Yeah, he said that we were on our Honeymoon. Lol, anyway, he was stuck chatting with another seminar member and couldn't get away, but he found me on IM.... 3 years later now, he booked a flight to SF to see me. Wow, talk about determined. I'm NOT complaining. =)

Christina ~ Otherwise known as Chris. She's another bestest buddy. I hired her at the crazy psycho dentists, she beat the dentist, I got her out of jail, we've been best friends since. =) Need I say more?

Jami ~ Now this chick is NUTS! She's convinced herself that she's this dorky chick with no life experience. Yet, she almost puts me to shame. And I say almost kinda weakly, cause shit, she probably DOES put me to shame. Anyway, she's another emplyee I'm blessed with. Yeah she sent me the Swat Cop. Wow, you think I'm bad, check her link out...WWW.xanga.com/sillygirl97

Swat Cop ~ A very horny swat cop, that gets frustrated when you don't meet him. Hello?!? He's licenced to conceal!

Brian ~ A very *talented* (get whatever you want from that) ex cop that I befriended a few days before I threw out the hubby. Wow, we met face to face the night Iactually did throw him out, and wow! (Can I say that enough?) That was a well used hotel room, and worth twice what I paid...Although the shit STILL has my keys!

Pete ~ An old friend from highschool. He was pretty good friends with Jay, and thier parents were really tight. Pete is who got me in touch with Jay. After me begging him for about a year!

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